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Stone Group Architects’ Facilities Planning process is a comprehensive evaluation and solution. The result of a facilities planning exercise includes recommendations by SGA for amenity enhancements, service improvements, and conceptual facilities design solutions with professional conceptual cost estimates.

SGA’ Facilities Planning process begins with an in-house evaluation of Organization-provided material by our team of professionals. Material reviewed shall include existing facilities drawings (floor plans, site plans, etc.), the history of the Organization, member demographics, utilization reports, prior planning efforts/surveys, and any other material that may be available for our review. SGA’ Facilities Planning team will utilize this information to develop a better understanding of goals and objectives that could potentially impact the development of the Facilities Plan. 
MEMBER FOCUS GROUP - During this visit to the Organization, SGA would be pleased to conduct a agree number of Residents/Member Focus Group sessions over the course of one day. These sessions provide members with their first opportunity to provide input regarding their current Organization experience, as well as what they would like to see as a result of the overall planning exercise. Sessions typically last no longer than 60 minutes and should be limited to 20-25 participants to allow for a conversational style of member-and-facilitator exchange.
ONLINE MEMBER SURVEY - The conceptual elements discovered from the focus groups and the Planning Committee initial meeting will help in constructing the survey as to help with the direction for the rest of the planning process resulting in providing the best solution for the Organization.  SGA recommends distributing a very specific online Member Survey depending when it is conducted will help set the priorities for planning or confirm the direction of the conceptual plans through membership input. Based upon the results of the Member Survey, the conceptual Facilities Plan may be fine-tuned. 
As part of our discovery efforts, SGA shall visit the Organization to conduct a Facilities Review of the entire campus. During this visit, SGA shall meet with the General Manager/COO and her direct reports regarding day-to-day operations. Information gained in these meetings will supplement our physical evaluation to enrich our understanding of the Organization’s existing facilities and offerings. Any available existing drawings will be spot-checked on site for accuracy. 
SGA shall conduct meeting with the Planning Committee to review the facilities Planning process, establish lines of communication, develop an overall timeline for the planning process, and ascertain the overall direction of the program. SGA shall review a program outline and work with the Planning Committee to identify strategic objectives and preliminary planning and design considerations for the Facilities Plan. Special emphasis shall be placed on areas identified during the first meetings with the General Manager, direct reports, and Member Focus Groups as confirmed weaknesses. SGA shall also incorporate current trends within the private Organization industry that may be appropriate for the Organization.  
SGA shall meet with the Planning Committee to present initial conceptual plans that incorporate the Primary Planning & Design Considerations identified in the Kick-Off Meeting. The Planning Committee will provide feedback on the presented concepts in order to determine which elements (or combination thereof) achieve the general direction for improvements. 
PROGRAM COSTING / FINANCIAL OPTIONS - The conceptual plans will then be related to a professional cost estimator (such as a local General Contractor or Construction Manager) for a line item, divisional breakdown of probable construction costs to assist SGA in compiling phasing budgets and a financial plan for the program. SGA shall also compile a preliminary interior finish, furnishings, operations, kitchen equipment, and fitness equipment budget (as required) in order to incorporate these numbers into a preliminary financial plan that outlines the most cost-effective project.  
FUNDING MODELING - SGA shall then work with the General Manager and a sub-committee of the Planning Committee and/or Treasurer (if desired) to develop a Financial Plan with an appropriate funding vehicle that complements the Organization’s financial capabilities as well as the long-term capital needs for facilities. Various financial models or scenarios may be presented to the Planning Committee for review and discussion. At this time, SGA may also suggest a potential Phasing Plan that indicates how improvements could be implemented in affordable phases over a number of years.
At this point in the planning process, SGA recommends communicating the conceptual plans for the Facilities Plan with the membership by conducting a series of Town Hall-style Informational Meetings. (Note: In addition to in-person meetings)
During these meetings, SGA reviews the planning process, discusses the rationale for change (including “why and why now” as well as the cost of “doing nothing”), and provides members with the status of the overall facilities planning efforts. The membership views enlarged drawings and visioning images, has the opportunity to ask SGA’ team questions concerning the program, and is asked to complete a one-page Exit Survey to provide their input on the conceptual plans. Based on these Exit Survey results, the Facilities Plan is further refined to reflect member input. SGA shall then present the plan to the Board for approval to proceed with initiating the vote campaign. 
MEMBER BROCHURE - In preparation for a membership vote, SGA shall develop a multi-page booklet outlining the development of the Facilities Plan, rationale for change, recommendations for improvement, financial model, timeline for implementation, and frequently asked questions. Ultimately, this booklet will become the voting material that will be provided to the membership for consideration and will accompany the proxy. Following review and Board approval to distribute the booklet to the membership, SGA shall work with the Planning Committee to develop various strategies to properly promote the Facilities Plan in order to obtain membership approval. 
FACILITIES PLANNING/TIMELINE - SGA anticipates approximately five (5) meetings at the Organization (or virtually) for the Facilities Planning process, excluding Membership Presentations. If there is a reasonable increase in the number of meetings, there will be no adjustment in fees without mutual agreement upon by SGA and the Organization. It is realistic to expect that if the engagement began in October of 2022 with Informational Meetings could occur April of 2023.
DELIEVERABLES/PERCEIVED VALUE - Upon the completion of the Facilities Plan, the Organization will have a program that addresses (1) both current and long-term facilities short comings, (2) future private Organization trends, (3) estimated costs for improvement and (4) probable operational impacts. The development of the final architecture and interior design would occur in later phases during implementation (under separate contract). SGA’ Facilities Planning process will provide the Organization with a carefully studied, member-driven, member-approved solution that will serve as a crucial tenant in the Organization “strategic plan” meeting the members/Organizations needs for the future even if the Board should change over the next several years

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